We're a mix of emotions

What People Psychology aims to do is help those who are struggling with their ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), providing the tools to regulate negative symptoms and allow ourselves to be open to seeing the opportunity for, and engage in, joyful emotions and life outcomes.

People Psychology in the Melbourne CBD and Australia-wide online offers a multi-modal treatment plan, which includes counselling to address ADHD.

If that’s the kind of approach that appeals to you, book a time to see one of our  psychologists who will help you in your journey to seek a better-balanced mix of emotions and life outcomes.

We’re here, talk to us

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    It’s our People that makes us different

    Our psychologists are equipped with methods, strategies and techniques that are not only research and evidence-based but are also based on years of experience of helping people from all walks of life.

    When you come to People Psychology, we tailor our methods to best suit your circumstances as well as your short-term and long-term goals.

    Live For A Brighter Future

    If your ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) symptoms are interfering with your daily life, work, or relationships, you may want to seek professional help. A qualified psychologist can assess your situation and provide a diagnosis if you meet the criteria for ADHD.

    ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It’s a brain condition that makes it hard for you to plan, organize, focus, and control your impulses. You may have ADHD since you were a kid, or you may find out later in life.

    Do you often:

    • Lose your attention or get bored easily?
    • Get distracted by things around you?
    • Make mistakes or forget things?
    • Feel restless, fidgety, or hyperactive?
    • Act without thinking or say things you regret?
    • Struggle to follow instructions or rules?
    • Have trouble with social skills or relationships?

    If you answered yes to some or most of these questions, you may have ADHD. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. ADHD is very common and affects millions of people around the world.

    And it’s not your fault. ADHD is caused by how your brain works, not by how smart or lazy you are.

    There are many ways to manage your ADHD symptoms and live a happier and more productive life. Some of the things you can try are:

    • Behavioural strategies: Set clear goals for yourself and break them down into small steps. Use reminders and rewards to keep yourself motivated. Create routines and schedules to organize your day. Avoid distractions that take away your focus.
    • Psychological strategies: Practice mindfulness, positive self-talk, breathing exercises, and coping skills to calm your mind and emotions. Write down instructions and steps to help you remember them. Use noise-cancelling headphones and minimize distractions when you need to concentrate.
    • Medication: Some people find medication helpful to balance their brain chemistry and reduce their symptoms. Medication should be prescribed by a doctor and monitored regularly.
    • Therapy: Talking to a psychologist or counsellor can help you understand yourself better and deal with any issues that may affect your ADHD symptoms, such as low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, or trauma.

    If your ADHD symptoms are making your life difficult, affecting your work or relationships, or causing you stress or sadness, it’s time to seek professional help.

    A qualified psychologist can assess your situation and diagnose your ADHD if you meet the criteria. They can also recommend the best treatment options for you and help you create a plan to achieve your goals.

    People Psychology psychologists can offer an objective assessment and diagnosis for ADHD, which may include a report with clear recommendations and a future plan. You can use this report for other health, medical and disability support appointments.