Looking for a psychologist in Flemington? People Psychology provides people living around Melbourne with mental health support and services. Our psychologist Flemington services can help you work towards improving your mental well-being. We work to provide mental health services that are accessible, compassionate and stigma-free.
At People Psychology, we offer services such as online therapy, to make sure that those seeking psychologist Flemington services can have access to high-quality mental health services no matter their lifestyle or location. Our online psychologist can provide telehealth appointments to people around Melbourne, covering a full range of mental health topics and concerns.
Our psychologist Flemington services are accessible no matter your timetable as we offer appointments out of the traditional hours. People Psychology offers appointments that are outside the typical 9-5 hours, so you can access support. We are inspired to provide a range of services and appointment times available for people seeking online therapy and in-person support.
Our psychologist Flemington services cover a range of mental health concerns and topics, including the following topics.
Family Counselling
Family counselling and family therapy can be important steps in resolving family conflict and improving a family’s bond. Our experienced psychologists can help your family in developing healthy communication and conflict resolution strategies. Our psychologist Flemington services provide each family with high-quality support to improve your family’s well-being. Seeking professional support for your family can be an important step in working towards a happy and healthy family life.
Social anxiety
Social anxiety can occur when someone is experiencing general anxiety, depression, increased stress and other mental health concerns. This can limit your ability to live a healthy and dynamic lifestyle. Overcoming social anxiety can be challenging, but with the help of our psychologist Flemington services, you can begin to improve your confidence in a range of social situations.
OCD Counselling
OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder is a serious mental health concern that should be treated by an experienced professional. OCD can cause barriers to one’s ability to achieve a happy and healthy lifestyle. As many elements of OCD can be limiting and distressing, a holistic approach is typically needed to treat the mental illness. Our psychologist Flemington services can help you manage the symptoms of OCD so you can improve your mental wellbeing.
The People Psychology offers other services that include:
- Anger management
- Career Counselling
- Depression Counselling
- Grief Counselling
- Hypnotherapy Program
- Family Counselling and family therapy
- Marriage Counseling
The People Psychology team provide compassionate and quality psychology services to people living all around Melbourne. If you are experiencing signs of mental health concern or wanting advice on your career, People Psychology can support you through our psychologist Flemington services. The People Psychology’s team of experienced psychologists are ready to help you improve your mental health!
Find Out More & Book Today
You can book an appointment at People Psychology today by visiting our website, or calling a member of our friendly team. We provide an extensive range of support and service areas across Melbourne. You can also learn more about how we help and our team of psychologists on our website.