Francesco Poci can help you and has extensive experience with multiple psychological, emotional, and mental health needs, including:
Francesco Poci is an AHPRA registered psychologist, who has worked in various health settings over time, and who has undertaken further postgraduate study concerning relationships and sexual health.
Francesco utilises a range of psychological therapies in his work with young adult and adult clients. Francesco is committed to working with you in a respectful and creative manner so as to assist you with your unique concerns. Francesco aims to build on your existing strengths; develop your skills; and harness your own values throughout the therapeutic process.
Francesco has particular research and practice interests in health psychology, including psycho-oncology (cancer) and sexual health and relationship areas, such as desire and arousal concerns and couples counselling. He also has interests in ecopsychology and gut-brain axis research and practices areas. Francesco takes a holistic approach when working with you. He considers biological, psychological and social factors that may be contributing to your current concerns.
Francesco is a flexible practitioner who welcomes your feedback and questions. In his spare time, he enjoys gardening, cooking and swimming.
Francesco is a qualified and experienced professional who can help you achieve your goals. He can work with you to identify and overcome your obstacles. Please feel free to book an initial consultation with him.
Select an available appointment using the booking engine below.
Our psychologists are equipped with methods, strategies and techniques that are not only research and evidence-based but are also based on years of experience of helping people from all walks of life.
When you come to People Psychology, we tailor our methods to best suit your circumstances as well as your short-term and long-term goals.