Our team has experience managing a wide variety of issues inside and outside work. Our experience working with individuals, children, couples, families, and organisations have provided us with the foresight necessary to try to formulate a way for you to achieve your goals, feel safe, and feel better about your life. Our skilled psychologists can help clients find a way to improve their lives, and the lives of their loved ones. We understand how some mental health issues can be too overwhelming to bear for many, but we also believe that no issue is unsolvable.
Our office in the CBD also serves as a “network” to reach out to organisations and companies that may need workshops and training programs to help both employers and employees develop greater skills in areas such as management training, social intelligence, elite performance coaching, as well as proven focused therapy.
Anita has a special 10-Day Program and other initiatives and projects that are geared towards all kinds of presenting client issues.
Given that we come from a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, models and interests, this also means we always have a psychologist at hand with a style that can be a match for your needs. One thing we all have in common, however, is to ensure that our therapy is always solution-focused. This means our methods will always be tailored to what we think is best for you.
Our team is more than equipped with the kinds of therapy techniques, strategies, and tips they have garnered and developed throughout many years of experience. We make sure the things we let you try and advise you to do are backed by research, and we make sure you fully understand our intentions as we provide these suggestions. We cater to all walks of life and all sorts of people be it individuals, couples, groups, families, and even companies. Our experience dealing with a lot of clients can give you that extra layer of assurance that we can find a psychologist that suits your needs, and our methods can help you find a way to a brighter and more motivated life.