We’re all a mix of emotions.

Feeling anger is totally normal. It’s what makes us human.

What People Psychology aims to do is help those who are struggling with their balance of emotions, providing the tools to regulate negative emotions and allow ourselves to be open to seeing the opportunity for, and engage in, joyful emotions.

We’re here, talk to us

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    It’s our People that makes us different

    Our psychologists are equipped with methods, strategies and techniques that are not only research and evidence-based but are also based on years of experience of helping people from all walks of life.

    When you come to People Psychology, we tailor our methods to best suit your circumstances as well as your short-term and long-term goals.

    Get In Touch

    Getting angry is a typical reaction. Someone or anything can trigger your anger.

    In the aim to provide a safe and comfortable space for you to share and explore your concerns with our psychologists, we strive to make sure our office is easily accessible to clients and those interested in taking advantage of our services. We know that the decision to seek help is already a huge step, so we try to make sure the rest of the steps that involve documentation and travel aren’t as difficult. This could hopefully help you and our clients focus on their treatment and their therapy.

    People Psychology Melbourne CBD is situated in the Melbourne CBD (City Business District). We’re a short walk from Flinders Street Station and trams travel along Collins Street with tram stops close to our office at Level 32, 367 Collins Street (Optus Centre), Melbourne VIC 3000. We also have offices in Brighton, Toorak, Double Bay NSW and via telehealth Australia-wide.

    Getting angry is a typical reaction. Someone or anything can trigger your anger. However, the problem lies in how you express your anger. Moreover, the degree of anger you express. In general, an angry response would be fleeting. In other words, once you’ve let out your frustration or annoyance, then it’s over.

    Then again, if you’re unable to control it and it gets out of hand then it could lead you to do any of the following:

    • Yell at the person or in some cases the object causing your anger.
    • Become verbally abusive towards others.
    • You might get physical and start to break things – worst, and you might end up hitting someone or something to let out your rage

    On the other hand, some forms of extreme rage take on a different way of expression. You might start to keep yourself away from others, in particular anyone who has angered you and you start to become withdrawn.

    If left unchecked, your anger issues can affect your personal and professional relationships. If this is starting to show, then it’s in your best interest to seek the help of People Psychology in the Melbourne CBD if you or anyone you love has anger management issues.

    Getting mad is natural. Moreover, it can be a healthy way to let out steam. Remember bottling up your anger can be bad for your health, both physically and mentally. However, the ability to control one’s emotions varies from one person to the next.

    At People Psychology in the Melbourne CBD you will learn how to look at the cause of your anger and the factors triggering it. Likewise, our specialist psychologists will provide you with practical strategies to cope with these triggers. Also, they’ll teach you techniques to help you relax and minimize the chances of extreme rage. If you find you’re struggling before your appointment with us, here’s some tips that may help until you seek help.

    • Practice counting to 10 slowly. This might sound childish and dated but rest assured it is useful. In the time it takes you to reach 10, your anger might have cooled down a bit. Thus, you’re less inclined to take your anger out on those around you.
    • The tendency when you’re angry is to take more breaths in. Counter this by slowing down your breathing and take long breaths out. It provides a calming effect and allows you to think clearly.
    • Free yourself from angry thoughts. These will only fuel to your anger in any situation even more. We can help you do this.
    • Explore your creativity. The ability to express yourself in different forms like music, painting, dancing, or writing can help relieve tension. In doing this, it minimizes angry feelings.
    • Exercise and taking care of yourself can keep you calm. Get physical and explore sports like swimming or running. Then again, even a simple walk, meditation and yoga can do wonders for your mind and body. If possible, do it every day to help blow off stress. Likewise, make sure you get enough sleep and avoid drugs or alcohol as these can only aggravate your anger.

    Contact People Psychology Melbourne CBD today if you or someone you love has anger management issues. Medical rebates under the Australian Government’s Better Access to Mental Health Care initiative are available for those in need of financial assistance for mental health problems. Remember you don’t have to feel alone trying to manage your anger. We’re here to help you. Call now to book your anger management appointment today!