Insomnia refers to an inability to achieve an adequate amount or quality of sleep. Insomnia affects many people and often in different ways.
For example, some people have difficulty falling asleep (onset insomnia) while others find themselves waking early and find it difficult to return back to sleep (early morning insomnia).
When we fail to get a good night’s sleep we can become more susceptible to erratic mood swings, irritability, prolonged tiredness and impaired concentration.
Insomnia often occurs when we are stressed about things in our personal lives. This is usually just a short-term problem that typically resolves itself within a few days.
However for some people insomnia can persist and develop into a more serious condition that negatively impacts an individual’s ability to enjoy a normal day-to-day quality of living.
When insomnia begins to affect your relationships, your workplace performance, or your general overall quality of life it’s important to seek help.